
20 Mar 2017

[Release] Stable release 2.10.1 now available!

Hello everyone! Stable release 2.10.1 of MistServer is now available! The full change log is available here and downloads are here. Here is a short summary:

  • The meta-player now detects offline streams coming online. It will automatically refresh and load the newly available stream, ideal for streams that are only online at specific times, for example.
  • Many small usability improvements to the meta-player. For example, the volume control is now more sensitive.
  • FLV VoD input is now significantly faster.
  • Full unicode support.
  • Pro Feature: Added LIVE_BANDWIDTH trigger. This trigger alerts you when a live stream goes over a specifically set bit rate limit, allowing you to react.
  • Pro Feature: RTSP input now supports receiving initialization data in-band. This means streams with invalid or incomplete SDP data can still be used.
  • Various other bugfixes and small improvements.